My eLearning suite modules have been finding their intended audiences for a while now and this week one of my first clients kindly sent me a spreadsheet of collected learner feedback from their launches so far.
They neatly cover some of the design features of my work, so I thought I’d share a few:
“Precise and informative”
Good writing is selfless. I’m merciless these days, cutting back to the minimum required to convey meaning in the minimum time. Hard-won simplicity is often not really noticed in a finished product – I’m very pleased to hear some learners recognise and appreciate the efficiency of my modules.
“I liked building the to do list throughout the course, that was very helpful”
I always consider how to take the learning beyond its eLearning bounds and this comment about using the remote work ‘build your work from home plan’ made me very happy. I’m so glad people engage with and use these features!
“An eye opener. Thank you for a great module”
This is from Outwitting Online Scammers, my IT Security module. This suggests this really hit the learner, that it wasn’t just engaging but it actually achieved the goal. I’m chuffed with this suggestion that the module actually made a difference on this important topic no one seems to care about!
“Loved the humour. Top job. Also was the right length without being dull or preachy”
Humour is a fine line. I put in just enough to be fun, that’s broad enough for almost everybody and only when it’s quick and appropriate. This learner enjoying the humour, tone and length of the module is awesome.
There’s a bunch like this. At first glance there’s no focus to the feedback, but that’s why it’s the best. It’s everything coming together – the efficiency, practicality, ease-of-use, fun and all the other unseen skills that go into top-end Instructional Design. To have someone happy enough to not only share ‘it was alright’ but that it was Wow, and in all caps – that’s magic.
My client is super-chuffed with all this positive feedback they’ve received:
“We’re delighted with the feedback. Your modules scored extremely high”
I am absolutely tickled too.
If you’d like to help your staff on important topics and collect feedback like the above with barely any comparative effort or cost, check out my module catalogue and work with me to do it. I’d love to help and it couldn’t be easier!